Veterans Career House

Brian Bouthot

482 West Street, Biddeford, ME 04005

Veterans Career House Entrance
482 West Street, Biddeford, ME 04005

Welcome to Veterans Career House

The Veterans Career House (VCH) offers Service Intensive Transitional Housing (SITH). This program allows Veterans Career House to take any veteran who is experiencing homelessness, as long as they have an honorable or general under honorable discharge from the military.

Some of the services we offer include assessment, case management, group and individual psychotherapy, referrals, congregate living with peer support and accountability, structured house management, and housing and system navigation. Assistance may include clinical treatment and support for mental illness and substance use disorders; career development and employment support; peer support; transportation to employment, medical and sobriety oriented meetings and appointments, and support solving legal concerns and concerns with entitlement programs, housing placement assistance, and other services necessary for stability. 

This eight room, eight-bed facility is in a rural setting and offers private rooms with shared living, dining, kitchen, recreation, and bathroom areas. Heat, laundry, electricity, and hot water are included.

Application Process

  1. For an application and referral form, email the Veterans’ Career House (VCH) Case Manager at or call 207-229-8306 or download the for here
  2. Complete the application and referral form and follow the return instructions on the application form.
  3. Our staff will make arrangements for a preliminary evaluation and interview.
  4. The results of the evaluation will be reviewed by the VOA Veteran Services Staff.
  5. If there are no vacancies at time of probationary approval, the applicant will be put on a waiting list.

Join Our Team

We’re proud of our team members. If you are seeking new career opportunities, we’d love for you to explore a role within our community.

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